This card is not currently part of a character's starter deck. How to Get Temple of the Kings Starter Deck This card is not currently used in a specific deck. You can only use each effect of 'Temple of the Kings' once per turn. You can send 1 'Mystical Beast of Serket' in your Monster Zone and this card you control to the Graveyard Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or Deck, or 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. COMMON 1ST EDITION,X3 YUGIOH TEMPLE OF THE KINGS DPRP-EN037, Shop the latest trends Looking for everything you need Online store with lowest price and. You can activate 1 Trap Card the turn it was Set. Temple of the Kings - Basic Information Category Each effect can only be used once per or renew season tickets for a chance to win. You must send this card and a 'Mystical Beast of Serket' to the Graveyard to use the second effect. we supply the best X3 YUGIOH TEMPLE OF THE KINGS DPRP-EN037 COMMON 1ST authentic online.You can use this card to Special Summon a monster your hand or Deck, or a Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck.This card allows you to activate a Trap Card the turn it was Set.